Friday, December 4, 2009

Collaborative and Transformative Learning

“…changing your mind is one of the best ways

of finding out whether or not you still have one.

Or even that minds are like parachutes,

that it doesn't matter what you pack

them with so long as they open

at the right time.”

Taylor Mali[1]

Just like this poem by Taylor Mali transformative learning is about transcending on your own perspective of life, in order to be able to change your mind. For me is the ability to re-learn and notice different perspectives in life. Its relation with ELT basically lies on the fact that we are teaching a complex set of codes that express feelings, meanings, anxieties, etc. In this sense Transformative learning is a way to open students the possibility of changing their mind about something, or give the opportunity of reaching a different perspective, probably far or not from the initial point of view.

Collaborative learning is simply the way we use each other’s thoughts in order to create new knowledge. Collaborative learning can happen in any educational context by achieving results in teams. In the ELT context this type of learning can be used for creating an environment of cooperation within the class, where the students know that they can learn from each other and not only from the teacher.

[1] Mali, T. (n.d). Like Lilly, Like Wilson. Retrived on November, 2009 from

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